Choosing Rest

A much-needed change post-holidays and at the start of this New Year

Ronna Detrick
2 min readJan 4, 2023
Photo by Aleksandar Cvetanovic on Unsplash

The holiday rush is over. Packages have been unwrapped. The recycling bin is full-to-overflowing. The Christmas tree is down. The decorations are packed into their crates until next year. Green juice now resides in my fridge (and I’ve even started drinking it).

Deep breath.

As lovely as every bit of the past weeks have been, I am glad for the relief, respite, even routine. The pressure of the season, no matter how delightful, is intense and often filled with expectations and demands. Despite the fact that there is “vacation” in the midst, it is often the antithesis of rest.


In her book, Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto, Tricia Hersey says this:

“Rest is radical because it disrupts the lie that we are not doing enough. It shouts: ‘No, that is a lie. I am enough. I am worthy now and always because I am here.’”

It’s easier said than done . . . resting, disrupting the lie, believing that we are enough.

It’s the polar opposite of what the world promotes and pushes. It flies in the face of capitalism and hustle culture. It is radical. And it’s what I hunger for. Not just in terms of time, but deep within.



Ronna Detrick

I work and write on behalf of women and their re-visioned stories. These days you can find me on Substack.